Saturday, May 16, 2009


   Today our little family traveled to San Diego (actually to a spot south of San Diego and about 7 miles north of the Mexican boarder) to attend the California Bankruptcy Forum's annual bankruptcy conference.  It is a meet-and-greet fest for bankruptcy attorneys that is obscenely expensive and, therefore, attended mainly by the highest billing attorneys from the swankiest firms.  Oh, and by judges, who get in for free. 
   I was attending as a panelist for one of the education programs entitled, "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Year?"  I was one of the Fifth Years - even though I am technically a Sixth Year.  
   My event went relatively well.  I was the only female attorney in the Fifth Year panel and I was also a favorite pick by the contestants.  I gave loud and proud answers and I was wrong 66% of the time.  But the bankruptcy judge in charge used several of the questions I drafted for the event, which made me feel better.  
   Mike, my hero, watched Zeke for the five-hour ordeal.  We were supposed to stay until 9pm or 10pm, but we called it quits at 2:30pm.  It's very hard to keep Zeke happy and quiet when there is no home base, no comfy brown chair to rock him in, no quiet nursery where you can set him down for a solid 20 minute nap.  Five hours was plenty.  
   My, but it was nice to wear a suit again, to meet new attorneys, to think about new things, be in new places, and learn new things... 

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