Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spirit of Elijah

From General Conference this past weekend I "took home" a few ideas and new thoughts, but mostly I felt uninspired. I blamed myself for being too busy and for letting my thoughts wander. I figured I would wait until all the talks were printed in the Ensign and then I could read them one at a time and feel and learn all the things I missed.
One talk, however, did stick out in my mind. It was the first talk of the Sunday afternoon session, and I can't remember who the speaker was, just that he was talking about family history. I felt impressed that, even though I'm a busy mom, and even though I have family members who have already traced our lines back to Adam, there was something I should look into.
Today, I became an Indexer for Family Search. Hooray! It took ten minutes total. They said I can work as little or as much as I want and that most projects are designed to take less than 60 minutes (that's shorter than Zeke's afternoon nap!).
This is an amazing project, and an amazing goal. I am very excited to be able to contribute. I vote New Family Search as the best use of the Internets ever.
(I added a new "Hot Links" button, "Become an Indexer!" so you can see what I'm talking about.)


Robert said...

I remember that talk... but I didn't get motivated by it. I would like to hear more next time we visit.

love, Dad

Dimples :) said...

Hooray! I've been doing Indexing on and off for about 2 years and it is great. I love that it is something I can do a few minutes here and there. I love it. It is a bit hard to decipher some of the handwriting though.

Unknown said...

I think the post is great, and I should probably do some indexing. I only made it through the training.

I just want to comment on Zeke, because it looks like his bib is actually a muscle shirt, and his hair is all crazy, which makes him look super awesome. What a cute boy!