Zeke and Mike, two of the three cars in the GravyTrain ("Grey-V Train").
We celebrated Halloween yesterday, as today is the sabbath and not a good time for secular frivolity. We celebrated by going in group costume to our ward's Trunk-or-Treat party and we brought chili for the chili cook-off and decorated a trick-or-treating room. (There were no trunks at our trunk-or-treat; all activities took place inside our building.)
This is the pumpkin that Mike carved and we entered into the pumpkin carving competition. It's an awesome Pooh Bear, but we didn't win.
Zeke ate waaaaaaay too much sugar even though we took him home for a nap long before the actual trick-or-treating part of the event. He did not go trick-or-treating anywhere this year and is still clueless as to how that works. All the better. Next year we will fight the too-much-candy battle.
Sugar -- breakfast of champions. Or dinner.
LOVE the costumes!!!! =)
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