Zeke is generally oblivious to the concept of Halloween (no biggie, he also disregards the germ theory of medicine) so we have been keeping our celebrations minimal this year. We took him to a pumpkin patch and he tried, alternatively, to lift every pumpkin that was too heavy for him and to kick every pumpkin that was not. We bought a small pumpkin and will be carving it tomorrow night, but probably after he goes to bed.
He also has a costume, which he wore to his music class last Monday. I forgot my camera so you will have to wait for pictures from Saturday's upcoming Trunk-Or-Treat.
Alas, there will be no viewing of Sweeney Todd this year - we forgot to rent it from Netflix and no live performances are playing in our area. Worry not, we own the score, so we will sing our favorites before we go to bed.
aww!!!! I miss you. =) Cute Zeke! I like that he kicked the pumpkins. hahah!
I would also like to add "M&M" to Zeke's word list.
Sweeny Todd is an acquired taste.
How much of his candy loot will you actually give to Zeke?
Zeke's loot, not Sweeney Todd's.
Zeke will be allowed to have several pieces of candy at the ward Trunk-or-Treat. Then, with a series of distractions, we will steal all of it away. He doesn't know about the Great Pumpkin yet, but next year we plan to negotiate a surrender of the candy with that myth.
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