Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

I didn't know it was possible, but there is someone who talks more than Zeke:  Ben.  I get through most days okay, but I think Mike has the worst of it.  When Daddy comes home he is faced with three simultaneous conversations :  Zeke's retelling of the Vampire Squid episode from the Octonauts, Ben's retelling of whatever story Zeke told last, and Tina's jibber-jabber about the events of the day.  It's amazing he comes home each night. 
Handsome boys, going to church.
The "nesting" urge is still a powerful force - I took a load to Goodwill this morning and felt terribly accomplished.  Note to self:  donations of toys should not be made whilst young children can peek through the minivan windows and see.   

1 comment:

renée said...


That's a good note to remember. :o)