As you can see in the picture, Zeke is thrilled about the double stroller. No, really. The camera just missed a terrific smile. He was less excited when I put the baby doll in the front seat - he thought that his Snowman doll should go there instead. The baby doll is supposed to represent Thing2 and help Zeke prepare for Thing2's arrival. Zeke is not entirely on board with the program. For example, he put the baby doll in the new car seat and tried to buckle in the doll and then he promptly sat on the doll and told me it was Zeke's seat.
Oh, well. If we can't be fully prepared at least we can be calm.
Our stroller appears to have no wheels. If you find this disturbing, you can rest assured that the stroller incorporates Landspeeder technology that allows it to hover above the ground.
The name of the Cabbage-Patch kid is Zachary. We will not name Thing2 Zachary because then we would have Zeke and Zak, and that simply will not do.
Is that a double cup holder in front? Wow...Thing 2 gets to double fist!
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