As you may or may not know, I keep a part time law practice. I have business cards printed on my home computer, a text block for letterhead, and semi-modest dreams for expansion. Last Thursday I completely finished and turned in an opening brief with excerpts of record for a client who is taking an issue up to the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. (Actually, there were eight separate issues, but I was limited to only 30 pages regardless of how many issues we raised. My best draft was 40 pages and getting it down to 30 was very painful.)
This is the cake Mike bought for me in celebration of my first, successful ghost-written appeal:
I have little to no chance of being paid for my work so we cut large pieces of cake and ate them until we felt sick. We did not share with Zeke. I cut up the rest of the cake and froze it for future celebration.
Does celebrating (eating) until you felt sick have any symbolic meaning for your personal law practice?
Yes, it means I have no idea how to run a law practice.
The cake looks very appealing anyway.
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