I wish we had a picture of Zeke sitting in the giant pile of toys people gave him. So as not to overwhelm the kid, and to make the joy last longer, we hid most of the new toys and plan on giving them to him a few at a time. We pulled out some of the new toys immediately, however, as Z is absolutely bored with our regular toys at home.
Mostly, he enjoyed playing with things that make noise when you shake them. We call these toys, collectively, "Shake-a shake-a".
GingerNut received a pack of binkies that Zeke immediately identified and wanted to eat. Well, he wanted to eat all of the items he saw, but these were especially promising.

Thumbelina received a new bike from Santa, and she really enjoyed it. This bike was the clear winner.

Legoman received this fun car from Santa, and Zeke thought it was a wonderful gift so long as someone was pushing him along and so long as someone pushed the little horn. Zeke will not be receiving a car like this any time soon, and not just because it's super-pink and says "Princess" on the rear license plate (it does).
Thanks to all for a wonderful Christmas! We had a great time visiting and laughing and playing, and the booty was pretty good too. The Christmas booty. As in, the gifts, not the other kind. Knock it off.
Another great entry. Fun to see Zeke eat the pacifiers!
I'm starting to learn the who the real people are behind the pseudonames.
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