I believe that hiking (and climbing) is all about wanting the altitude. Back when I was breaking in my first pair of climbing shoes in the bouldering caves of the Quarry, I used to mock the muscled men there who would shout at each other (and sometimes me) to commit to the next move, or commit to the route. I thought that was a silly thing to shout, especially since my experience was that wanting to finish the route had no correlation with being physically able to climb the route.
But for this climb, for Whitney, I believe that commitment is essential. Any fool can plod up the mule route, but it takes determination and desire to see it as more than plodding up a mule route. I have decided that I want to be at the top of the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States on July 11 and, as long as Mike is with me, it doesn't matter if anyone else is.
Sabotage is a strong word. Since your career involves the precise use of words, I'm sure you chose it carefully.
Where does this put your planned ascent and the associated plans for care of Zeke? Are you recruiting now?
I totally agree, however you will have your other half and mine has said he will go next year. So alas I am not going so that I can do it next year with the man of my dreams. Good luck! I would however love to train with you. I also have a heavy duty pack that babies fit in if you want to take him. Just kidding
After that speech we're ready to put Zeke on our backs and Join you.
Love Mom and Dad
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