Thursday, August 26, 2010


Zeke talks! Okay, well, he's been babbling for several months now but I've recently decided to just assign meanings to the noises he makes. And everyone knows that talking is just that - noise with meaning. So here is one of Zeke's latest "words": Cookie

Monday, August 2, 2010


Today I'm going to make myself a badge that says, "Village Idiot". Then I'm going to make up lots of "Village Idiot" badges and take them over to the CityByTheBeach Fire Department, so they can hand out these badges to people like myself.
This morning, Zeke and I went to Albertsons to get some milk. I got out of the car, keys in hand, and opened up Zeke's door. He was crying - fake crying - and I said, "Where did Happy Zeke go? I thought I brought Happy Zeke to the store? I know, I'll shut the door and when I open it again, I'll find Happy Zeke!"
This little speech made him stop crying so I decided to keep playing the game. I set my purse on the floor behind his car seat, pressed the "lock" button my my keys, tossed them into my purse and shut the door.
As soon as I heard the door shut I realized what had just happened. I ran into Albertsons.
"Help! Help! I locked my baby in the car! Help!"
Thank goodness it was early and there were loads of Albertsons people hanging out at the front, avoiding re-shelving duties. Someone said, "Do you have triple -A?" (we don't) and someone else said, "Would you like to call the person who has the spare set of keys?"
I explained that the spare set of keys were in OtherBeachCity at work, and at least an hour away. The manager decided that he was going to call 911.
And that's how I became the Village Idiot, crying next to my car (and my baby) while the Fire Department jimmied open the front door.
Zeke was fine, and he cashed in on mommy's guilt and got a balloon and chocolate milk.