Monday, April 26, 2010

Appeal Cake

As you may or may not know, I keep a part time law practice. I have business cards printed on my home computer, a text block for letterhead, and semi-modest dreams for expansion. Last Thursday I completely finished and turned in an opening brief with excerpts of record for a client who is taking an issue up to the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. (Actually, there were eight separate issues, but I was limited to only 30 pages regardless of how many issues we raised. My best draft was 40 pages and getting it down to 30 was very painful.)
This is the cake Mike bought for me in celebration of my first, successful ghost-written appeal:
I have little to no chance of being paid for my work so we cut large pieces of cake and ate them until we felt sick. We did not share with Zeke. I cut up the rest of the cake and froze it for future celebration.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Mike!

Mike had a birthday, shout Hooray!
We celebrated by going to a sushi buffet. That's right - all sushi, all the time. Mike ate many things with eyes, tentacles, and wasabi, and Tina ate steamed rice and spring rolls. Thank you to all the family who came on the adventure.
Above: Zeke eats some orange jello. Delicious!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I made Animal Crackers for Zeke!
A good friend gave me awesome cookie cutters for Christmas and I finally got around to trying them. The elephant was the hardest to keep in one piece - I don't think any elephants were complete. The tigers and the lions were structurally sturdier and turned out better.
Zeke doesn't really like the crackers/cookies, not that he told me so much, just that every time I give him one he sucks on it until it becomes gooey and then smears it around on the closest surface.
As for taste, Grandma said they would need more sugar if she was going to eat them but Gingernut and Thumbelina seemed to think they were pretty tasty.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spirit of Elijah

From General Conference this past weekend I "took home" a few ideas and new thoughts, but mostly I felt uninspired. I blamed myself for being too busy and for letting my thoughts wander. I figured I would wait until all the talks were printed in the Ensign and then I could read them one at a time and feel and learn all the things I missed.
One talk, however, did stick out in my mind. It was the first talk of the Sunday afternoon session, and I can't remember who the speaker was, just that he was talking about family history. I felt impressed that, even though I'm a busy mom, and even though I have family members who have already traced our lines back to Adam, there was something I should look into.
Today, I became an Indexer for Family Search. Hooray! It took ten minutes total. They said I can work as little or as much as I want and that most projects are designed to take less than 60 minutes (that's shorter than Zeke's afternoon nap!).
This is an amazing project, and an amazing goal. I am very excited to be able to contribute. I vote New Family Search as the best use of the Internets ever.
(I added a new "Hot Links" button, "Become an Indexer!" so you can see what I'm talking about.)